Edit {module.moduleName}
General Settings
Supported Tags : {icon:ICONCLASS}, {icon:ICONCLASS@bs}, {icon:ICONCLASS@fa}, {icon:ICONCLASS@mi}
Note: @bs - Bootstrap, @fa - fontAwsome, @mi - matirial icons (If Bootstrap is enabled then, Default Icons will be bootstrap Icons)

Use "<id>" to replace with current entity id.
Use "{entity:PROPERTYCOLUMN}" to replace with current entity property value.
Use "<loggedInUserId>" to replace with login entity id.
Use "<clpID>" to replace with new client link product id.
Use "<currentEntitySetToFindParent:SETNAME>" New Entity or Entity editing Replace SETNAME with the current Sets name, this will replace tag with its parent entity id.
Use "<viewingEntitySetToFindParent:SETNAME>" Entity ID displayed in URL , Replace SETNAME with the current Sets name, this will replace tag with its parent entity id.

Property Settings

Button Style

Error Handling
Auto-Submit Settings