KwaZulu-Natal Women in Business Resource Guide- Vani Moodley


KwaZulu-Natal Women in Business Resource Guide
The Women in Business Forum (WIB) of the Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) is proud to launch the "KwaZulu-Natal Women in Business Resource Guide" a directory of women entrepreneurs and
organisations in KwaZulu-Natal.
Vani Moodley, Chair of the WIB Forum said, "Being a membership based forum for women business organisationsin KwaZulu-Natal, we aim to fully represent the collective voice of women in business to lobby and advocate againstthe disparagement of women entrepreneurs. Our emphasis is on women operating in priority sectors of the economy in order to achieve equity in business at all levels." Moodley added, "It is a known fact that the reason for the limited contracting of women entrepreneurs for significantly larger projects in the province has its roots in gender bias and denial of the existence of high levels of skills and experience. These reasons have consistently been cited to explain the lack of visibility and reach to women entrepreneurs."
The "KwaZulu-Natal Women in Business Resource Guide" presents a resource of women entrepreneurs that, coupled  with outstanding interventions of the collective, will positively facilitate the exponential growth of women owned enterprises in the significant mainstream of the 'first" economy.
The WIB Forum hosts quarterly "PowerHouse" gatherings where industry specialists and procurement desks highlight the general and sector specific opportunities available to women entrepreneurs. The emphasis is on imparting knowledge and information on the current state of the economy, economic developments and opportunities that facilitate strategic business decision-making.
Specific interventions targeted at youth, senior women in business and women based in rural areas have been designed, planned and are in the process of being implemented. N Vani Moodley, Chair of the Women in Business Forum and Member of Council, Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chief Executive Vani Moodley & Associates - South Africa
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