Are you Attracting the Right Talent?


How does your employer branding
measure up in today’s competitive race for talent? Is your Employer Value Proposition (EVP) relevant to current career-seekers? Do you know what differentiates your company in terms of what you are offering potential employees? 
These are questions you need to ask yourself if you wish to attract the right talent to your organisation.
Gone are the days of companies sitting on their laurels expecting high calibre candidates to come knocking at their doors. These days companies have to earn the attention of top talent; they are the ones shopping for an employment opportunity and they’re looking for the best deal.
As recruitment consultants our team meets new career seekers daily. Some are mediocre and some highly talented.The highly skilled and talented candidates are selective about which companies they want to work for. They have done their homework and identified where they want to work and why. The companies they are attracted to have a higher employer branding footprint than others. It’s safe to say that these companies have understood that in order to attract the best talent they must market their company as a great place to work at.
So, where to start in order to increase your employer branding status? Firstly, answer these important questions:
â–  What do your employees think about your company?
â–  How do potential candidates perceive the company as an employer?
â–  Is your external and internal employer image aligned, or misaligned?
â–  Do you meet the expectations that new employees have of you as an employer?

 Your answers will help you understand how current and prospective employees perceive your company, and give you insights into what potential candidates value in an employer. From this you can draw up your Employer Value Proposition (EVP). In today’s intense talent market, your company’s EVP will help clarify what you are offering to the employee and it is a critical tool in talent attraction.
As recruiters, we have to be able to market the strengths of your employer brand and develop compelling communications that will reach the candidates you are targeting, while also ensuring that you stand out from the competition. Recruitment blogger and editor Matt Charney puts it succinctly by saying: â€œUltimately, better employer branding means higher quality applicants in less time for less
money, which is a business case that’s pretty hard to argue with.” Our recommendations for your employer-branding journey:
â–  Define your unique employer offerings (EVP)
â–  Develop a retention programme to retain, not only attract, top talent
â–  Put communication and employee engagement policies in place
â–  Develop employee wellness programmes
â–  Get your target audience to engage with your communications to ascertain their perception of your employer brand.
â–  Ensure employees are behaving and engaging within the strengths of your EVP, therefore acting as great brand ambassadors
â–  Measure results and adjust activities to ensure continued success. 

Should you require consultation on defining your employer brand or general HR, recruitment, training and team building solutions, please call Blanche Pinto Coelho or Michelle Munn on 031 566 1960 or email
Visit for more information.