Providing Community and Entertainment for Durbanites


DUrbanTV is the first online streamcasting TV Channel that allows online viewers to watch content 24/7 - 365 days a year.
DUrbanTV has leaped ahead of its traditional 'terrestrial TV' competitors by moving into the realm of online streamcasting. The channel literally makes use of 'cloud based' technology, enabling DUrbanTV to have complete control of the running of the channel and its content...a first for Durban and South Africa. The TV channel works similarly to an online radio channel, except of course, it provides visual rather than just radio media. If preferred specific inserts may be selected to view at leisure.
DUrbanTV viewers have now watched over 1015 viewer hours of original programming. The channel currently reaches over 25,000 viewers per month, which is growing on a daily basis.
DUrbanTV  has links to social media sites Facebook, Google+ , Twitter and Instagram enabling effective marketing and interaction with viewers. 
Recent studies reveal that younger viewers are more likely to choose streaming devices and platforms for entertainment than traditional platforms.
In May 2015 Richard Lord, associate media director and head of digital at The MediaShop reported that:
Doreen Theys (DUrbanTV Founding Director) said, "The opportunity for regional TV in South Africa to be developed hasn't been fully explored by national broadcasters.
By harnessing the power of streamcasting TV we are pioneering the use of this new technology to benefit the people and businesses of Durban." She added, "Not only can we now reach our own local audience but we can also provide an exciting opportunity to reach national viewers and even international viewers, and, with this in mind DUrbanTV aims to portray a positive view of Durban to attract more viewers, visitors and opportunity for business to reach these audiences." 
The opportunity for Durban and KZN businesses to partner and support DUrbanTV will ensure that local
businesses gain vital exposure. Support will also create an enabling platform for DUrbanTV to grow and create even more localised TV programming. In turn, of course, this growth will encourage and create real, long term employment opportunities in the TV and film industry across Durban and the whole
of KZN. 

For more information:
Twitter :
Instagram : DUrbanTV