
As a business grows over time the owner faces many diverse situations. Initially there is the frantic activity to get things going, motivation comes from the promise of riches and nervous energy abounds. The owner is involved in everything – from the design of stationery, opening bank accounts to the employing of staff and numerous other activities. The owner has their finger on the pulse of the business. Each customer is personally romanced. Initial pay backs start to flow and with these rewards the good times
roll in. This success drives the desire for more growth – further investments are made; more employees join, systems are installed – the owner cannot touch every aspect of the business any more. Amazingly, despite more employees, more customers, more buzz; the owner begins to feel lonely and stressed. There are increased responsibilities; suddenly whole families are dependent on the success of the business. The owner is detached from some aspects, from some customers, from suppliers. Can the employees who are now dealing with these stakeholders be relied upon? The owner looks at the bank account – growth means more working capital; and often more capital; expenditure.
Bringing a financier on board requires detailed management accounts each month. The owner knows instinctively that these are necessary – but how is his tried and tested bookkeeper who is now swamped going to cope? The owner brings in managers to help – yet this makes the
situation worse. The owner is even more removed from the action; even more isolated. The owner is managing managers, not allowing him time to have a role in the activity that resulted
in the initial success. The scenario above is common and many readers will be smiling knowingly to themselves! The FD Centre has two main target markets, one of them being the provision of support, guidance and skills to owners who find themselves in such situations.
The FD Centre engages Principals who are experienced, business savvy professionals who have had serious roles as a Financial Director (FD) or Managing Director (MD) of their own business ventures.
They have walked the walk. These Principals, with the support of the FD Centre network help busy executives and entrepreneurs free up time to focus on growing their businesses. The FD Centre takes care of the financial, commercial and administrative functions.
The Principals work with business owners, entrepreneurs and corporate executives on business and financial strategy, operational finance improvements and efficiencies and help provide business support by helping manage key stakeholder relationships inside and outside the organisation.
The FD Centre allows ambitious companies to have access to a high calibre part-time FD working in the
business, bringing “big business experience” at a fraction of the cost of a full time resource. In this way the owner and business benefit tremendously. Not only is there a skilled person with the relevant experience that the owner can turn to; but the FD Centre Principal also brings reassurance and presence of mind to ensure that all opportunities are taken advantage of and that the owner can focus on the key
drivers of the business. The FD Centre’s other target market is the office of the
CFO or FD. Here high level capacity is provided and when the need arises. This may be in the form of specialised and focussed projects; or through the provision of interim placements whilst the company addresses resourcing issues. In both cases there is assurance that issues are being dealt with by professionals with proven experience.
The FD Centre operates throughout South Africa and has capabilities in most of Africa. 

Please contact Wayne Jaggard ( or 082 800 2508) should you wish to explore the value that the FD Centre can add to your business.