Durban Chamber - Message from CEO


Dear Member,

The current year is flying past, with an exciting new one closer than we think. The Chamber’s momentum into 2015 and beyond has been sustained with the appointment of the new CEO Designate Mrs Dumile Cele. As the new CEO, I appreciate the membership fees and your contribution to the Chamber.

We have had overwhelming compliments relating to our advocacy, our various activities and our distribution of vital business information, from all quarters of business in Durban, the province and beyond. The Chamber is committed to being an effective advocate for Business and we expend many resources in order to achieve this aim as the ultimate “Voice of Business”.

This is how the Chamber seeks to support the business community:-
We are trying to consistently improve our service to our loyal members, whether this is the provision of information (via the Chamber Digest Beat/Pulse, for example) or training, guidance, support and advice to SMME’s. Coffee Connection and Forum meetings also allow our members to engage in and strengthen their alignment with key business partners.

This is how you can harness the maximum benefits as a member:-

“The sky has never been the limit. We are our own limits. It’s then about breaking our personal limits and outgrowing ourselves to live our best lives.”

Should you have any queries please contact our accounts department as follows:

Telephone:031 3351000
Serika Joseph | E:
Navashnee Reddy | E: