Futurelife - Food and the festive season


Going into the festive season means more food. Are you wondering what the best way is to lose weight?
Fast or slow weight loss? The most effective and long term method for weight loss is slow, gradual reduction. Trendy and often star-led crash diets can be dangerous and lots of doctors warn against sudden and drastic approaches to weight reduction. If you have a weight problem, you may already be aware of the pattern ‘Lose fast, gain fast’. Many people have been on many diets recommended by friends or magazines and have not found success.
There is no mistake why DIET is a four letter word! Diets are hard to stick to; they make you feel like you’re depriving yourself and most of the time they just don’t work. You try diet tablets, diet drinks, diet programs. And the weight stays on. Many diet pills and shakes also have terrible side effects and are not healthy at all!!!! They cost a lot of money and often do not work.
The biggest problem though is that each time a diet fails you feel at more of a loss with your struggle to lose weight. You feel more of a failure because you cannot control your craving for food. Each time a diet fails, this feeling gets worse and the obsession with weight and food and getting slim grows.
But, how would you feel if there was a natural diet solution that could really help you? A solution that ensures you wake up every day feeling in control around food? A solution that will free you from your food obsession so you can start to really enjoy living?
Hypnotherapy – Treatment for Weight Loss
Hypnotherapy is a weight loss treatment that works. Hypnotherapy understands the subconscious mind that plays a major role in your behaviors and re-educates your thought process to stop craving unhealthy food and develops healthy eating habits that feel natural. Where diet pills, drinks and programs all treat the symptom of your problem, hypnotherapy looks at the cause of the problem, how it is programmed in your subconscious mind and corrects it.
Why do Diets Fail at helping you Lose Weight?
The reason most people fail at dieting or exercise is because they determinedly use willpower. Willpower is part of your conscious, analytical mind and is great for short term results. But there is a stronger part of the mind called the subconscious or unconscious mind. This is what sabotages all of your attempts at dieting. Hypnotherapy recognizes this, and uses the subconscious mind to treat the cause of your weight problems.

How does Your Subconscious Mind support Behaviors?
Your craving and urge to eat is because of “conditioning”. When you associate consuming food with any other behavior, the other action will trigger cravings for food and a feeling of urgency to eat. This is called a conditioned response. For example: As a child you always got a chocolate when you did something well. As an adult, you are now conditioned into seeing chocolate as a reward. You start a diet and you’re keeping to it very well! What pops into your conscious mind from your subconscious? “You are doing so well, you deserve a chocolate!” Some people are compulsive eaters – they have an “irresistible impulse” to eat. This seems strange as our subconscious mind will only encourage behaviors that benefit or protect us in some way. How could being fat, be a beneficial behavior? Why would the subconscious mind allow this to happen? This is a classic example: A person gets their heart broken in a relationship. So to protect the self from getting the heart broken again, the unconscious motivates the self to become fat to keep the self out of relationships and prevent another broken heart. You may think that the conscious mind is in control, but it is your subconscious mind that drives your behavior. This part of your mind stores all your experiences, desires, dreams, emotions and habits. You will never resolve your problem with losing weight, unless you understand what in your subconscious mind is motivating the behavior which causes you to overeat or not exercise and therefore never lose weight.
For more information on this program visit www.eq-advantedge.co.za