iLembe Chamber - BusinessClub, Trademarks & Intellectual Property- 16 September 2016


Next Friday is again time for our monthly Business Club.

As requested, the session on the 16th of September, will focus on Trademarks & Intellectual Property. 

Most people are not even aware that they own intellectual property. They assume that it is only large corporations, with recognisable names, logos and brands to protect, are the only ones who need to safeguard intangible assets. However, anything that is written, visually created, and unique to an individual is intellectual property which means that most of us own more than we believe. The session will assist in protecting these intangible assets. 

The session will be facilitated by Cobus Oelofse, Our CEO who will be joined by Vishen Pillay, a Partner in the Patent Department of Adams & Adams Attorneys,  the Largest Intellectual Property (IP) firm in South Africa- AND a proud iLembe Chamber member . Vishen has a background in electronic engineering (UKZN) and is an admitted attorney as well as a qualified patent attorney with ten years of experience in IP. He specialises in assisting his clients to protect their inventions in the field of electronics, computers, software, telecommunications, mechanical engineering, electro mechanical-engineering and bio-medical engineering.

Vishen has drafted and prosecuted patent design applications on behalf of South African universities, Science Councils, US Fortune 500 and South African top 500 companies and has recently been appointed by the Minister of Science & Technology to serve on the Advisory Board of NIPMO ( National Intellectual Property Management Office)- WOW, one not to be missed!

Date: Friday, 16 September  2016
Venue: iLembe Chamber Board Room
Time: 08:00 for 08:30 – 10:30
Cost: FREE for Chamber Members, R120 per person for non-members
RSVP  to Amanda on 087 354 6343 or  by Thursday, the 15 of September  2016.

Book now, limited seats are available for these personal sessions.

Kind Regards
Sakhile Khumalo
Business Support Manager