Mondi receives EIG award


Excellence in governance is championed at leading awards event

London, 14 November 2013 – ICSA held its fifth annual Excellence in Governance Awards at The Brewery in London on 13 November, an event which saw individuals, teams and companies rewarded for outstanding achievement in the field of governance.

The awards are split across two broad categories - Transparency in Governance and awards for Company Secretaries. The Transparency in Governance awards, an ICSA initiative in partnership with Hermes Equity Ownership Services and ISS, reward „best in class‟ disclosure performance, while the Company Secretaries‟ awards recognise individuals and teams who demonstrate evidence of achievement across six areas: company law, regulation and compliance; corporate governance and shareholder relations; corporate restructuring; information management and communication; leadership and management, and innovation.

“The Excellence in Governance awards recognise those companies that lead the way in annual reporting and the excellent contributions that individuals and teams make to their organisations,” states Peter Swabey, Policy & Research Director at ICSA. “Communication with investors and other stakeholders is critically important, never more so than this coming year as companies start to adopt the new reporting requirements, with a strategic report and directors‟ report, as well as revised remuneration reporting. Many of the winners and nominees have already gone a long way towards implementing these new requirements, so congratulations to all the winners, nominated individuals, teams and companies.”