

The Profile Awards sponsored by Siemens and supported by the South African Department of Science and Technology is an annual pan-African competition which seeks to honour journalists who excel in the fields of science and technology reporting. Entries for the 2012 competition are open for work published in print, online or broadcast media. The closing date is Friday, the 17th of August 2012. The awards ceremony will be held on the 26th of October 2012, as part of the Sustain Our Africa Change Agent Awards in Cape Town, South Africa.

The Profile Awards includes five categories: Energy efficiency, Sustainable cities, Industrial productivity, Healthcare and a Student journalism award (see category descriptions below). Each category winner will receive a prize of R10,000. The overall Profile Awards winner will receive an additional R10,000 and a trip to Germany to the technology centres of Siemens.

As innovation in science and technology continues, often at a bewildering pace, it is essential for all, from governments and business through to the person on the street, to stay up-to-date with the latest developments. Advancements in science and technology can help to create safer and healthier societies, a cleaner environment and prosperous knowledge-driven economies across Africa. The media plays a vital role in sharing these stories and demystifying the important subjects that are driving change and creating a more sustainable future. The primary objective of the Profile Awards competition is to recognize and reward those writers and broadcasters who effectively report on science and technology on the continent.

The Profile Awards competition is sponsored by Siemens, the world’s largest provider of environmentally friendly technologies and is supported by the South African Department of Science and Technology. Recognising journalists who focus on science and technology topics will go a long way in encouraging excellence in reporting as well as ensuring that science and technology journalism moves from the periphery of the news agenda into the mainstream, where it belongs. 


Making it easier for entrants to categorise their work as well as broadening the potential scope of submissions, entries can be submitted in the following five categories:

1. Energy efficiency
This category covers fields such as environmental technologies; power generation, transmission & distribution; intelligent electricity consumption, lighting, buildings, transportation, etc.

2. Sustainable cities
This category covers fields in urban infrastructure such as transport; water; energy, buildings security, etc.

3. Industrial productivity
This category covers fields such as industrial automation, drives technologies, digital engineering and industrial IT, African industry and manufacturing like mining, food and beverage, water, cement, automotive, etc.

4. Healthcare
This category covers fields such as diagnostic imaging and therapy; laboratory diagnostics; healthcare IT; integrated healthcare solutions; rural healthcare; women’s health; cancer treatment and therapy; HIV AIDS, etc.

5. Student journalism award
This category is applicable for all entries from students who are studying journalism and have covered stories in the area of science and technology related to the above categories.

The closing date for entries is the 17th of August 2012
Although the language of interaction within the programme is English, the continent’s diversity is accommodated by the Profile Awards, with entries accepted in Arabic, English, French and Portuguese.

Entries for the Profile Awards can be submitted online at


José Machado
+27 11 652 2160

Sarita Gouws
+27 11 652 2151