uShaka Marine - Marine Careers Courses now open!


Do you have a fascination for marine life and think this might be the ideal career for you, if so; applications are now open for the Marine Careers Course at uShaka Sea World. 

These courses afford school learners from Grade 9 to 12, the opportunity to interact with a variety of people working in the marine fields. 

The four-day course covers the qualifications and personal attributes required to work in the marine field as well as the kind of work performed by the scientists, animal behaviourists, aquarium and marine mammal staff.  

Students will spend only half a day in the classroom and the rest of their time will be spent in and around the park as well as in the scientific offices. 

The cost per person is just R255

Course 1:             29 March, 3, 4, 5 April 2018

Course 2:             25, 26, 27, 28 June 2018

Course 3:             9, 10, 11, 12 July 2018

Course 4:             1, 2, 3, 4 October 2018

Booking is essential as space is limited. Call Phiwe on 031 3288128 during office hours or email her at before the end of February to make enquiries regarding the booking process!