Trevor Clark - Business and Executive Coach Speaker and Global Trainer : Next Level Business Planning Solutions


If  you are like  most business owners, you are probably operating on a business plan that is organised and archived in one of three places:
Getting a coherent, written business plan together is often too expensive ... too hard to do, or too difficult to commit sufficient time to. And the result is very often not worth the paper it's printed on. The challenge for corporates, NGOs and NPOs is often no different to that facing SMEs.

We were recently approached by The Mission To Seafarers to support several African branches (Mombasa, Dar Es Salaam, Walvis Bay, Richards Bay and Durban) formulate strategy to ensure long-term sustainability as they continue to service the rapidly evolving maritime industry. Essentially how to improve revenues, efficiencies and margins - while still remaining true to the organisation's founding ethos.

The Mission to Seafarers (MTS) is an NPO operating in over 200 ports worldwide caring for seafarers of all ranks, nationalities and beliefs - providing help and support to the 1.5 million crewmen and women who face danger every day to keep our global economy afloat.

You can read more about the organisation and the excellent work they are doing at

Business challenges facing Missions across the globe include the following: Each Mission station was tasked with formulating a strategic plan to meet the above brief and, on further consultation with various MTS stakeholders, our recommendation was to use our new planning tool recently developed by the ActionCOACH head office in the United States.

PlanningCLUB is essentially ActionCOACH's way of ensuring you have a living and workable business plan that we facilitate but you create. It is built around an online planning environment to which every user is given a unique logon username and password and during coach-facilitated workshops, a comprehensive business plan is tailored specifically for each participating business unit.

The PlanningCLUB approach was designed to deliver five key benefits:
The additional benefit of a business plan housed online means that users can log on at anytime to make changes and then simply click a button to download the latest version in branded pdf format. By housing all financial assumptions in a central capturing core, users are then able to play out unlimited "What if?" scenarios and accept into the final plan only if satisfied with the resultant outcomes.

"We spent a very profitable three days with the team from ActionCOACH. The Mission to Seafarers core business is to serve seafarers and their families visiting the region of Africa. We however were reminded that we will not sustain this service unless we remain profitable. ActionCOACH helped our team to realise again the importance of good financial planning and wise market strategy even in the area of ministry and service."

Good business planning is essential to any existing business. To ensure you are prepared to take your business to the next level contact us today for more information or a personalised PlanningCLUB demonstration.

T: 031 266 2258