Emergence Growth - 3 Reasons Why Workplace Wellness is Important to Sustainable Business Development


Article by Dr Dicky Els CGF
Lead Consultant: Workplace Wellness
CGF Research Institute (Pty) Ltd


Corporate leaders often assume that workplace wellness is only important when it comes to rating the organisation as an employer of choice.  However, enlightened leaders realise there is more to employee wellness and disease management than meets the eye.  These leaders realise the value workplace wellness fulfils within the organisation's Corporate Governance Framework®, and they invest in healthcare programmes because they understand the critical role employee wellness plays in developing a sustainable and more productive business.  Their organisations leverage workplace wellness programmes to develop the human capital, and manage its associated risks so that the business can deliver better returns on investment.

Assess your workplace wellness and disease management programme by completing this brief survey. 

For more information, please contact Yendor Felgate via yendorf@emergencegrowth.com or +2711 026 3442