KwaZulu-Natal Top Business Portfolio- Web Updates


Website Updates

The KwaZulu-Natal Top Business Portfolio invites all our clients and other interested stakeholders to provide on-going information to us so that the website can be constantly updated with current news.

Please submit any company or organization news items, promotions and new staff appointments, investment proposals, and tenders (with photos when relevant) to contact number 031 2671977 or 0836530465. There is no extra cost to you for this service.


The website optimisation of the site ensures that the KwaZulu-Natal Top Business Portfolio and its featured organisations remain at the top of any search ranking, providing quick access to links and information on the world wide web.


Pearl Coral 4 also highlights news, developments and opportunities through weekly e-mails sent via an established data base. Previous investment projects, newsletters and stories are all archived for reference.



ArthurFri, 09 Jan 2009 14:54:16 +0200
Do you not have a web interface via which news can be submitted, where it can then be moderated, approved and published?