SAICA - Complimentary 2019 Tackle Tax Series - members only


Join us every month as we discuss and analyse recent tax developments with guest panellists joining us to share their insights on specific matters. This series seeks to enable regional Tackle Tax groups to also identify topics for further discussions and inspire members to share thought leadership with members as an inspired community. Our collective efforts empowers us all through technical insight and “war story” sharing to solve our own day to day tax challenges, better identifying solutions that add value to all.

About the presenter
Piet Nel CA(SA)

Pieter Faber Senior Executive Tax at SAICA

There is no cost but booking is essential.

This presentation counts towards a maximum of 2 hours of verifiable CPD. Please record your CPD hour/s on the CPD system accessible via the SAICA website.

Kindly reserve your place online for your preferred dates/s.