Pietermaritzburg Chamber -EBizBlitz - 25 October 2016


The most recent Chamber lunch held last week was graced by Simomlando, the short version of the Sinomlando Centre for Oral History and Memory Work in Africa, and attached to the School of Religion and Theology at UKZN. This title pretty much describes its work; it helps people to talk about themselves, and so establish an own history, and secondly, it deploys various mechanisms to help build memories among people in distress and facing loss. 

Armed with memory boxes, books and art, including hand woven rugs, the Sinomlando contingent trooped to the podium to demonstrate their work in tangible fashion. These items, Gracia Makiwane explained, all play a role in anchoring rootless people, a foundation stone in building people's self worth. "Resilience is a key element to survive tough, often tragic, situations, and our work is aimed at empowering people through the telling of their own history," she said. For more information about the organisation, visit  www.sinomlando.org.za

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