GDP, Gross Operating Surplus and Compensation of Employee statistics for KZN.


latest GDP, Gross Operating Surplus and Compensation of Employee statistics for KZN.

KZN economy expanded by 0.13% on a seasonal adjusted quarterly basis or 0.52% on a seasonal adjusted analyzed basis. 
KZN GDP Model.xlsx - 0.9 Mb

GOS increased by 0.90% (real terms, 5.67% inflation) during the 1st quarter year-on year
KZN GOS Model.xlsx - 0.5 Mb
COMP increased 1.94% (real terms, 5.67% inflation) during the 1st quarter year-on year
KZN COMP Model.xlsx - 0.5 Mb

You don\'t have to be a rocket scientists to know this is BAD.  What is next????

Is this what a development state is all about????


Dr Clive Coetzee
General Manager:  Infrastructure Management and Economic Services
KZN Provincial Treasury
Economist (PhD UKZN)
033 897 4538

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