Unilever - OMO Dig Desk Renewed Project


Providing desks for underprivileged children across South Africa.


Tons of multi-layered waste is created in the OMO factory monthly. Unilever aims to utilize this waste to benefit the community by converting this waste into durable desks for under privileged children across South Africa. Three million children in South Africa do not have access to desks, making learning a real challenge. Omo has committed and undertaken to make 3 000 recyclable multi-layered desks by 2020.


The OMO Dig Desk Renewed Project was launched in 2016 in order to address the growing need for basic school equipment. To date, the project has been run as a reward programme to schools that participated in the Ready for Life Challenge. Omo has rewarded individuals who had achieved great results on the OMO Fast Kids Challenge and then the school that had the most students sign up on the Fast Kids platform. RESULTS Omo has distributed 1 000 desks to date with another 900 planned over 2018.