Durban Chamber - Charting a way forward in the fight against Crime and Grime in our City2015-06-25
This forum will cover:
Join us as we chart a way forward in the Durban Chamber's fight against Crime and Grime in our City. This will be achieved by improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the enforcement of municipal laws and by-laws; full coverage of the City’s geographical space through visibility, timely responses and decisiveness from enforcement agencies; engagement of ‘zero tolerance’ policing strategies; and the mobilisation of community support alongside the instilling of trust in the capabilities and integrity of enforcement agencies. This session is offered free of charge Venue: Chamber Square, Lion Match Office Park 892 Umgeni Road Click here to view Chamber parking for visitors RSVP is essential for access control and parkin Click below link to download registration and info details: Safety and Justice Forum - 167 KB |