Durban Chamber - Honorable Minister of Police, Nkosinathi Nhleko: Business Ethics and the South African Dream: 29 March
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Durban Chamber - Honorable Minister of Police, Nkosinathi Nhleko: Business Ethics and the South African Dream: 29 March
Join us for the 1st Durban Chamber Power Connection of 2017 were we will host the Honorable Minister of Police, Nkosinathi Nhleko . The Minister would like to engage the Durban business community on the topics of:
What happens to a nation's dream deferred?
How can business play an integral part in fostering an ethical, healthy and social cohesive society?
​Is business doing enough to advance a culture of human rights through ethical conduct?
Kindly disseminate the invite to fellow colleagues.
We look forward to hosting you.
The honourable Nkosinathi Nhleko is the Minister of Police and a senior member of Parliament. A former trade unionist, in 1994 Nhleko was deployed by COSATU to serve in South Africa's first democratic Parliament. A former underground MK operative and commander, he was previously the ANC's chief whip in Parliament and has chaired several parliamentary portfolio committees over the years. Minister Nhleko is passionate about human rights, philosophy, nature and jazz.
29 March 2017 | 12:30 - 14:30
Members: R300 | Non Members: R400
Prices exclude VAT
Coastlands Umhlanga Hotel
329 Umhlanga Rocks Dr, Umhlanga Rocks
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For enquireies contact Zama Mazibuko