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A variety of institutions offer student loans for accredited study programmes. The following are some of the financial resources available.

Eduloan is a leading education finance specialist operating in southern Africa. Since its inception in 1996, over 760 000 study loans to the value of more than R4.3 billion have been awarded. The Eduloan vision is to be the catalyst for changing lives through education, by enabling access to financial solutions. In order to bring this vision to life, affordable finance management solutions, solely focused on education is offered. (

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme
The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is the South African government student loan and bursary scheme. NSFAS provides loans and bursaries to students at all 25 public universities and 50 public TVET colleges throughout the country. A student loan is the money you borrow from NSFAS to cover the costs of your studies at any of the 25 public universities in South Africa. The costs include tuition fees, residence or private accommodation costs, food, books and travel. This loan must be repaid to NSFAS when you have finished studying. Depending on your results, up to 40% of your NSFAS study loan may be converted into a bursary and you do not need to repay that amount.

A NSFAS bursary is the money you receive to cover the costs of your studies for certain qualifications at any public university or college in South Africa. This money does not have to be repaid to NSFAS. NSFAS administers various bursary funds, including:

The Funza Lushaka Bursary Programme to train teachers
  • Bursaries for studying Social Work through the Department of Social Development
  • Bursaries from the National Skills Fund for scarce skills
  • Bursaries for the National Certificate (Vocational) and for certain Report 191 courses at TVET colleges The bursary programme of the Department of Higher Education and Training for students with disabilities. (
The National youth Development Agency
Education Enablers Fund the Education Enablers Fund established in October 2014 has been initiated to provide basic necessities to learners from poor households in rural areas, who are in need of basic day-to-day necessities required to attend school such as school uniforms, shoes, writing material and school bags.The fund will identify and help young scholars, of rural based schools, who are in need of the basic day to day necessities required to attend school. (

First National Bank
The FNB Student products are designed especially for students, so you can concentrate on your studies while we help you manage the finances. This portfolio consists of two products, namely:
  • Student Account
  • A lifestage focused account designed for full-time tertiary students, between the ages of 18 and 25 years, who are studying towards a degree or diploma (minimum three years).
Life start student Loan
The Life Start Student Loan allows you to invest in you or your child's future with a tertiary education. This loan is suitable for financing further education for South African students and covers tuition fees, books and campus accommodation. (https:// Html).

Your Nedbank Student Loan will cover costs for:
  • Tuition fees
  • Accommodation
  • Books
  • Study-related equipment your student loan contract will be subject to:
  • A once-off administration fee
  • A monthly debit order to pay back the interest on the loan amount borrowed.
  • Reapplication for each year of registration (a student loan is granted for a specific year of   study) The benefits of the product include:
  • Competitive interest rates and flexible repayment terms, during and after completion of studies
  • Grace periods for students who have to complete internships, community service or articles to   qualify in their field of study
  • Competitive Nedbank credit life cover for death or disability (

Standard Bank
If you are a full-time student, you will also get the Standard Bank transaction account that best suits your needs when your Student Loan is approved. You can use the money from your Student Loan to pay for your tuition fees and accommodation (if you are a full-time student not living at home). Tuition and accommodation will be paid directly to the institution and place of residence whilst funds for books will be transferred to the transactional account. We recommend that you take out a Personal Loan Protection Plan to pay the outstanding balance on your loan in the event of death, dread disease or disability. Student Loans are granted for a specific year of study and you will have to reapply for each year of registration. There is a maximum amount granted for each year of study. The course and institution that you choose for your studies must be accredited by at least one of the following bodies: SAQA; SETA; Umalusi; or Department of Higher Education (DHE). (http://

SETA and SAQA studies are covered, from 3 months duration onwards.
  • Customers are also allowed to apply for a grace period after they have finished studying if they are not yet able to afford the repayment of their loan
  • Qualifying criteria
  • Customers who qualify for a study loan need only pay back the interest portion of the loan   during the term of the studies.
Thereafter, customers repay the capital for example a three year course is paid back over three years, and so forth;
  • Customers are approved based on their affordability and risk
  • Proof of income from the person undertaking the study loan
  • Benefits
  • Customers pay the prime interest rate on their study loans
  • Customers are offered 15% discount on study equipment when they apply for a study loan
  • The study loan forms part of the Student Package, which includes a student credit card and a  cheque account as well as access to funding for laptops, desktops, notebooks and tablets, even an iPad. ( Study-loan)


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