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There are a large number of bursaries, scholarships and grants available  that provide financial support  through for South African students to study abroad and in South African universities and academic institutions. These are made available from various governments through cultural agreements as well as through institutional programmes and private organisations and donors. The following list is a guide and is not exhaustive.

Please follow the link to find the specific requirements for each fund including course of study, institutions, date of application, qualifying requirements, age limitations, and financial terms of the bursary: living costs, tuition, travel, medical provision, stipends,etc. While many of the countries specify that the study options are only available where English is a medium of instruction, other bursaries are offered on the basis that a year of study in the language of the country is compulsory, which forms part of the bursary scope. Students who choose to study in a foreign country should be willing to learn local culture and adapt to living in the country.

In many cases as the bursary is part of deepening relations between South Africa and the sponsoring country, students are expected to be part of the effort to improve relations between the home countries and will be required to participate in official functions.

Since 1997, nationals from South Africa have been sponsored by the Australian Government through the Australia Awards to study in Australia. Applicants from South Africa are eligible to apply for Masters and Africa Fellowships Awards.

Priority areas are:
  • Agriculture/Food Security
  • Education (including TVET Policy and Innovation)
  • Public Health
  • Minerals and Energy
  • Public Policy (including Infrastructure Development in line with the Strategic Integrated Projects (SIPs)) Austria

Scholarships are available for students, teachers and researchers in southern Africa. studying-austria.html grantsat/EN/ Belgium These grants offer the possibility
to increase their professional competencies and capacities through university (master and doctorate) studies or through internships and travel trips. These opportunities are offered in the country of origin, in other partner countries or in Belgium.

A new scholarship programme is available to African students to study in Canada. The 2015 Competition of the African Leaders of Tomorrow (ALT) Scholarship Programme will grant scholarships to young African women and men to pursue a Master's degree in public administration, public policy or public finance at a Canadian university. student-portal/african-leaders-oftomorrow-scholarship-program/

The Chinese government provides about 50 scholarships to South African government annually. In 2014, 26 students were selected by the Department of Higher Education and Training of South Africa for this project. They will take Chinese language courses for one year and then go to respective Chinese universities to further their study. Some Chinese universities have enrolled another 11 South African students under the Chinese Government Scholarship project. za/eng/lxfw/

European Union Erasmus Mundus EU-SATURN
(European - South African programme in Tuning for Regional Needs in higher education) is a mobility programme from the European Union coordinated by the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. The co-coordinator on the South African side is the University of the Free State at Bloemfontein. EU-SATURN provides scholarships for South African Masters, PhDs and staff to spend a period of study/ research at one of the European consortium universities in:
  • Belgium
  • Germany
  • The Netherlands
  • Poland
  • Spain
  • Sweden

The Embassy of France in South Africa offers scholarships for students from South African and Lesotho who wish to do a Master's degree or a PhD in France. Fields include finance, economics, engineering, public relations, media, business, journalism, fashion, international relations and political science, biology and sport science. French-Embassy-scholarshipsapply

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides scholarships in Germany for international students for a range of postgraduate courses at German Universities which aim at providing academically educated young professionals from developing countries with further specialised studies. http://www.southafrica.diplo. de/Vertretung/suedafrika/ en/07Culture/Education/StudyinGermany.html

The Greek Government offers three to five scholarships per year to South African students for tertiary education studies in Greece. Most of these scholarships are given to students from the less privileged sectors of the South African society.

Funding is available to students in under graduate, post graduate and doctoral programmes as well as in professional courses such as engineering, pharmacy, accountancy, business administration and management. http://www.indiainsouthafrica. com/ICCR-scholarship-application.html default/files/scholorship/Africa_ Scholarship_document.pdf

Italian language proficiency is a determining factor in being accepted for study in Italy and for being awarded a bursary. The scholarships are offered for the following type of courses: Undergraduate university courses (renewals only); Postgraduate University courses; Master's Degree courses (Levels I or II); Ph.D. courses; specialisation schools; Research under academic supervision; Courses of Higher Education in Art, Music and Dance (AFAM); Advanced Courses on Italian language and culture courses for teachers of Italian as second language.

The MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology) offers scholarships to foreign students who wish to study at Japanese universities under the Japanese Government(MEXT) Scholarship Program for 2016. Study programmes include social sciences and humanities, natural sciences, engineering, chemistry, medicine and dentistry en/Japan_SA/MEXT_application2016.html

The Holland Scholarship is financed by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science as well as 48 Dutch research universities and universities of applied sciences. This scholarship is meant for international students from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) who want to do their bachelor's or master's in Holland. scholarships/holland-scholarship

New Zealand
The New Zealand Aid Programme offers scholarships to people from developing countries who are motivated to make a difference at home.Preference will be given to candidates who apply to study in academic disciplines relating to the following:
  • Agriculture Development
  • Renewable Energy eligible-countries/africa-commonwealth 

Norwegian state universities and state university colleges as a rule do not charge tuition fees for international students. However, students will need to pay a semester fee of NOK 300-600 ($50-100) each semester. This is applicable for all levels, including undergraduate studies, Masters programmes and Ph.D. programmes. Study-in-Norway/Scholarships

The Singapore Cooperation Programme (SCP) serves as the primary platform through which Singapore offers technical assistance to other countries through training courses or study visits conducted in Singapore. scp/about_us/introduction.html

The Swiss government, through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS), awards various postgraduate scholarships to foreign scholars and researchers: countries/south-africa/en/home/ services/scholarships.html

National Research Foundation is offering South Africa/Taiwan Joint Science and Technology Research projects. The projects will be supported for a period of three years for research activities commencing in 2016. Funding will be made available for conducting joint research projects only, and only in the following identified priority areas: E-learning, Innovation Enablers, Biosciences; and Nanotechnology. The application deadline is 30 June 2015. funding/south-africataiwanjoint-science-and-technologyresearch-collaboration-2016

United kingdom
A number of opportunities are available for students seeking scholarships and other forms of funding for their studies offered by UK organisations. Many scholarships only cover postgraduate degrees; others cover course fees for specific subjects and some are only available for specific institutions. study-uk/scholarships-funding
Chevening Scholarships are the UK government's global scholarship programme, funded by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) and partner organisations. The programme makes awards to outstanding scholars with leadership potential from around the world to study postgraduate courses at UK universities. southafrica University of Reading This bursary provides five bursaries of £5,000 towards tuition fees and is available to international students of any one year postgraduate taught course at the University of Reading.
  • Canon Collins Trust offers scholarships to support taught   masters degree programmes at   certain UK universities.
  • School of Oriental and African Studies, University of  London
  • University of Sussex
  • University of Oxford one student annual to take up the  MSc in African Studies
  • Queen Mary, University of London MSc in Global Public Health and Policy.
  • University of Cambridge (one-year taught Master's degrees (MPhil))
  • The Canon Collins - First  Rand Cambridge Scholarship
  • he Canon Collins - Tiso Foundation Cambridge   Scholarship

United states of America Education
USA offers general information sessions for students interested in studying in the United States of America Durban Advisor:  Susan Knowles Tel: 031 305-7600 x 3135 |  Fax: 031 305-7693 Old Mutual Bldg., 30th Fl., 303 Dr. PixleyKaSeme St., Durban Consultation hours: By appointment only, after first attending a general information session. General information sessions will be held on the following Thursdays:, May 28, July 30, October 1, and December 3. Graduate (Master's & PhD): 1:45 for 2:00 p.m. Undergraduate: 2:45 for 3:00 p.m. Please RSVP at least two days prior to the session if you plan to attend by emailing your full name, which session you'll attend,a contact phone number, your ID number, and high school/ university.

Note that spaces are limited and only students who RSVP will be admitted. study_oi.html educational-advising.html Fulbright Programme The primary goal of the Fulbright Programme is to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of South Africa through educational exchanges. The Public Affairs Office of U.S. Mission in South Africa administers several programmes for both American and South African citizens to whom grants are given for research, teaching, curriculum development, and master's and doctoral studies in a wide variety of fields. The next application cycle for the 2017-2018 academic year will open in October this year and close in April 2016. postgraduate.html The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Programme brings accomplished mid-level professionals to the United States for a year of combined academic (NON-DEGREE) and professional work.Fellows are selected based on potential for leadership and commitment to public service in a wide range of fields. humphrey_fellowships.html sports If you excel in sports and would like to be a university student athlete in the U.S., go to http:// youth Leadership Programme (yLP) Provides secondary school students a three-week opportunity in the U.S. to participate in workshops, community service activities, team-building exercises,
home-stays with American host families, meetings with community leaders, and a wide range of leadership development activities.

Kennedy-Lugar youth Exchange and study (yEs) Programme: Provides scholarships to high school students to spend up to one academic year in the United States. Students live with host families, attend high school, engage in activities to learn about U.S. society and values, and educate others about their home countries and cultures. http://southafrica.usembassy. gov/educational_exchanges. html#professionals Read more: 


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