Assessment for selection, promotion, training and development for executive management through to learnerships/bursaries/apprenticeships
ADS uses psychometric tests and other assessment techniques across the entire spectrum of job levels in organizations. The approach is holistic, focusing on aspects such as cognitive ability, personality, emotional intelligence and specific competencies that are relevant to the situation (see Assessment Tests/Techniques). We generally provide individualized reports based on the assessment results and on the outcome of an in-depth interview with the candidate. Recommendations are aimed at identifying strengths and areas for development, in the context of the job or training requirements. During the interview, feedback on results is usually provided to the candidate for personal development purposes.
In view of the constant increase in complexity in the workplace, ADS endorses Arie de Geus’ comment that “… the only competitive advantage the company of the future will have is its managers’ ability to learn faster than their competitors†( Harvard Business Review (March/April 1988). Our cognitive assessments would therefore always include the assessment of learning potential.
Assessments can be done on an individual or group basis, e.g. selection for who attends training programmes, university admissions and work entry level positions.
Job Characteristics Survey
With-out a clear understanding of the dimensions which are important for success in a given job, one cannot make informed decisions with regards to HR functions such as selection, performance management, training and development.
The Job Characteristics Survey (JCS) is unique in that it is a quantitative form of job analysis. The instrument helps the user identify the personality traits, intellectual competencies and values which are key for successful performance in a given job. The empirical data that is used can be collected either with pencil and paper or in a computerized form. Once the data has been gathered a number of sophisticated statistical techniques are used to generate a report, which can assist in the creation of competency profiles, personality profiles, training and development initiatives and in framing interview questions for selection. The JCS can also be applied at multiple levels of the organization thereby identifying behavioural and value shifts which need to take place as an individual makes turns up the leadership pipeline.
Joint Problem Solving
ADS offers coaching interventions to managers and organisations to develop their leadership skills and organisational performance using Joint Problem Solving. JPS is a well researched leadership model developed over a period of thirty years of testing and application, dealing with real-life situations in a wide range of different organizations in South Africa. It incorporates approaches to management and leadership used in different parts of the world and has integrated them into a South African product that works. It brings the proven value of finding the best answers with others so as to get maximum buy-in and active commitment to action, thereby taking the organization and its people forward towards better performance.
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JPS is captured in the book by Hugo Misselhorn, The Head and Heart of Leadership (Reach Publishers, 2012)
Career Counselling
ADS uses psychometric assessments to assist matriculants, graduates and adults in making informed decisions about careers and career changes. We assess cognitive ability, personality orientation, emotional intelligence, interests, motivation and values and provide feedback in order to explore possible career options during an in-depth interview.
Organizational Climate Surveys
ADS assists companies in identifying the current organizational climate which includes the current organizational strengths and performance inhibitors. Customized organizational climate surveys are used, combined with focus groups to explore perceived problems and solutions. These surveys can be quickly implemented through internet applications, and the results have been found to be especially beneficial to management in making strategic organizational interventions during mergers, restructuring and other organizational change efforts, or just to monitor employee morale.
KwaZulu-Natal Agents for Learning Potential Assessment Material
ADS makes learning potential material (APIL & TRAM) available to KZN clients.
We provide training on these instruments for new users.
We provide a bureau service for AProLAB and Psytech products.
Critical Thinking Training Programme (CogLab)
CogLab is a training course designed to develop and enhance critical thinking skills required to solve a wide range of problems commonly encountered in the work place. CogLab was designed to assist in closing the gap between classroom learning and the world of work, e.g. with potential supervisors, new graduates or school leavers. It has been found to be effective in building the problem solving skills of candidates at NQF 4 level. It can be facilitated through an electronic version or classroom learning