NLP Business practitioner Certification
Chris Adlam - NLP Business practitioner Certification

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Stop, for a moment and recall a time when you were trying to communicate with someone


Stop, for a moment and recall a time when you were trying to communicate with someone, perhaps it was your boss, your child or your spouse, and no matter how hard you tried you were unable to communicate in a way that achieved what you wanted.

Now, consider that same event, but this time, because of this workshop, you actually have the ability to totally communicate with just the right language to achieve what you want. Now, that would be awesome wouldn't it!

Do your day to day activities include dealing with other people, such as clients or customers, co­workers or bosses, teachers or students, a spouse or child, doctors, attorneys or bankers,then this seminar is for you.

Go to to learn more before you lose out.

Wendy Knowles
031 823-1446/021 823-6575

Stop, for a moment and recall a time when you were trying to communicate with someone

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