KZN Business Sense - Partners for Possibility
KZN Business Sense - Partners for Possibility

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KZN Business Sense - Partners for Possibility


The need to develop quality schools in South Africa is highly apparent. While a small percentage of South African schools operate in accordance with global best practice standards the vast majority do not. Clearly the performance of many schools is abysmal as the annual matric pass rates testify.

Buhlebemfundo Secondary School in Kwadabeka has recently benefited from a unique partnership between its principal Bonginkosi Kati and business coach Kerry Jones. One of the goals set resulted in its 2015 matric students obtaining a 75% pass rate, as opposed to the 55% pass rate which beginning of year exams indicated they were heading for!

Partners for Possibility(PfP) is a far reaching flagship project of a NGO Symphonia for South Africa that is slowly transforming the schools in which it operates. The aim is to change one school at a time from within rather than wait for outside intervention.
Louise van Rhyn is the founder of Symphonia for South Africa who says, “Let’s start thinking like co-owners of this country and get actively involved in creating our future. We can’t wait for government or others to do this.”

Research has shown that a strong leader is pivotal for any meaningful change to occur. Through the PfP programme, principals are being empowered to become change leaders in their schools and communities. While some principals have the benefit of extensive knowledge and support through committees and parent bodies, many are not equipped to cope with the range of managerial tasks expected of them. These tasks include managing financial budgets, human resources, child welfare, buildings and maintenance as well as education policy and requirements to name but a few aspects of their daily duties.

In contrast, experienced business leaders have acquired the practical skills and knowledge required to lead organisational change. The PfP programme enables these business leaders to share what they have learnt with school principals in a one-on-one partnership to provoke change. However, this is a not a one way encounter, nor do the business leaders impose change on the school. It is a winwin
situation for all involved. In participating in the programme, business leaders and their school principal-partners receive world class leadership training and are supported by a professional business coach. The training programme is accredited by the University of the Western Cape.

During the process, business leaders engage in active citizenship and are provided a unique insight into the many challenges of running a school as well as a new understanding of the South African socio-economic context.

In addition, the programme aims to develop the school management team and engage with the community of parents and other citizens around the schools as key partners and potential resources to support change at the school.

PfP has been able to support 390 principals and these numbers are increasing. Many major South African businesses have joined in the programme and are proud to see their own business leaders and the schools that they partner with grow while raising the standard of education offered.

Business leaders who are interested in
the programme can contact Partners for
Possibility at

KZN Business Sense - Partners for Possibility

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