KZN Business Sense - 1ST Durban Maritime Summit Launched:PR and Media Communications2016-02-19 In hosting the 1st Annual Durban Maritime Summit, eThekwini Maritime Cluster (EMC) plays a supporting role to the City as it strategically positions Durban as a Smart Port City announced EMC Chairman, Mr Zeph Ndlovu.
The Summit which is set to take place at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli ICC from the 24-26 February is hosted by EMC in partnership with eThekwini Municipality and supports the National Government Growth Plan (NGP) 2030. The aim is to position Durban as a Smart Port City with thriving maritime enterprises, job creation and which provides a safe liveable environment for residents. “Creating a Smart Port City, means creating a City that enjoys a flourishing economy hile ensuring the positive coexistence of urban areas with the industrial areas of the Port.†said Deputy Mayor, Cllr Nomvuzo Shabalala as she shared her excitement in the city’s involvement in this initiative. Karl Socikwa Chief Executive Transnet Port Terminals, said, “The 1st Annual Durban Maritime Summit and the eThekwini Municipality and eThekwini Maritime Cluster are to be commended for their vision of bringing the role players in the maritime industry, be it in business, government, Transnet, academia, together to make sure that pertinent issues to Durban being an internationally recognised Smart Port City are put on the table with resolutions and tasks to be undertaken to achieve what is necessary.†The Summit is designed to be outcomes based and provides delegates with an opportunity to participate in robust discussion that results in resolutions. These resolutions will be implemented during the 2016 financial year and a report back on achievements provided at the 2nd Durban Maritime Summit in 2017. The line-up of topics include maritime security; maritime enterprise development; maritime skills development and training; the sustainable development and operation of the maritime sector and improving the competitiveness of Durban’s marine manufacturing and transport sector. The Summit will include a Trade and Career Expo (24-26 February) at the Durban Exhibition centre that will provide entrepreneurs, scholars and the public an opportunity to understand the maritime industry with the maritime entities exhibiting their services and business opportunities. This segment of the Summit is open to the public so that youngsters and their parents can see what exciting opportunities exist in the maritime sector. As a finale to the Summit an interschool’s Keelboat Regatta will take place over two days, Friday 26 and Saturday 27 February, culminating in a prize-giving which will take place concurrently with Sail Africa’s annual prize-giving. The regatta sailed under the auspices of Sail Africa will showcase the Port of Durban as a Maritime Recreational and Educational Centre. The Summit includes a Tourism Cruise Conference with the theme “Growing the Cruise Industry†aboard the MSC Sinfonia that sets sail from Durban 4-6 March. Lesley van Duffelen PR and Media Communications: Durban Summit 2016 Tel: +27 31 301 0950 |