Cobus Oelofse, CEO iLembe Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Tourism - Artisan Training
Cobus Oelofse, CEO iLembe Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Tourism - Artisan Training

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Cobus Oelofse, CEO iLembe Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Tourism - Artisan Training


I recently accepted an invitation to participate in a week long study tour to Germany to look into their renowned dual vocational education and training model. Our delegation, which consisted of representatives from the national Department of Higher Education and Training and the local Umfolozi College were hosted by the Kreishandwerkerschaft, a trade and business association, for the districts of Steinfurt and Warendorf. It was an initiative that formed part of this association and the German
Government’s “Export of Education” initiative through which they share their know how abroad.

Although it will be difficult to “cut and paste” the model, amongst others due to the advanced and deeply entrenched industrial economy in Germany, there were significant learning opportunities for the educational and economic landscape in our region.

As many as 95% of businesses within the German economy are considered small to medium enterprises, mostly smaller family owned trade related businesses that have adapted and survived from generation
to generation. The far greater majority of these smaller businesses are active in the training and development of trade apprentices. They play an active role in the organised business community to market the allure of an artisan trade as a career, and identifying and nurturing talent at school level already through intern placements.

The challenge for our business community, and a potential role for the iLembe Chamber to be explored, is how do we ensure that, in a district which is dominated by smaller enterprises, we get these SMEs involved in the training of artisans?

Apart from visiting a number of technical trade businesses, including a plumbing business with only ten employees, we also visited the Kreishandwerkerschaft’s own training facilities, a technical training college and attended the graduation ceremony of newly qualified artisans. 

Tel: 087 354 6343

Cobus Oelofse, CEO iLembe Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Tourism - Artisan Training

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