Dr Merida Roets, Scientific Roets, Kokstad - Encounter East Griqualand â€
Dr Merida Roets, Scientific Roets, Kokstad - Encounter East Griqualand â€" Country and Garden Festival

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Dr Merida Roets, Scientific Roets, Kokstad - Encounter East Griqualand â€" Country and Garden Festival


In 2010, returning from the open gardens of Bedford, two Kokstadians, Pat Dickerson and Pat Kotting, discussed the possibility of also opening up some of Kokstad’s beautiful gardens to the public. The two then eagerly brought together a group of fellow gardening enthusiasts and asked Dr Merida Roets to assist them develop a business plan, strategy and funding proposal. It was agreed that the main goals of the initiative would be: 1) To draw tourists to our beautiful area (which would assist the local economy), 2) To foster social cohesion, and 3) To create a platform for any local individual or group to raise funds for themselves or their causes.

Six years later, and the Encounter East Griqualand, which has expanded to include the areas of Swartberg, Cedarville and Matatiele, has become a staple on the Open Gardens calendar in South Africa and has been included in the KZN Open Gardens since 2013. From initial support of R 50 000 per year for the first three years from Tourism KZN (TKZN), the Festival was self-sustaining from the fourth year. Through income generated from tickets sales (a once-off entrance fee that allows visitors entrance to all of the gardens on show) the Festival Committee have been able to continually add to the exciting array of events hosted. The Encounter has used a slightly different approach to its Open Gardens initiative; keeping in mind the “extra 100 kilometres” that people need to travel from our neighbours, Underberg and Port Shepstone, to get to us……. The Encounter is concentrated over a three-day weekend, and every garden is jampacked with “add-ons”.

There is music, entertainment, food and loads of gardeningrelated and other goodies for sale in almost every garden. Aside from the gardens, visitors can stop in for tours at local progressive agricultural operations such as an intensive rotary dairy, the Ferrero Roche Hazelnut farms, espaliered fruit orchards, horse-riding events, several markets including a Farmer’s Market selling local produce and other locally-made products, a Flea market (with loads of kid’s activities) and an agricultural show, a trail run and mountain biking event (book on Roag) and several environmental events that show-off our unique and varied pristine environment (our Watsonias are in full bloom during the festival and wildflower
talks are also included!). The evenings are filled with talks by local and South African gardening and environmental experts and celebrities, book launches, dinners by local and celebrity chefs, music, fun and entertainment.

An impact assessment that is conducted every year during the Festival estimates that over the three days approximately R 1 million changes hands and over 200 local individuals and fund-raising groups are able to add substantially to their incomes. The camaraderie and excited local spirit of East Griqualand during these three days beautifully illustrates the warm and friendly nature of the people of this beautiful area.

This year the Encounter East Griqualand takes place on the 4th, 5th and 6th of November (Saturday is Guy Fawkes day and there’ll be a noiseless fireworks display!). Visit our website: www.encountereg.co.za
for more information about accommodation options and to plan your jam-packed, three day, itinerary!

Come. Enjoy. Encounter East Griqualand!

Dr Merida Roets, Scientific Roets, Kokstad - Encounter East Griqualand â€" Country and Garden Festival

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