Business Sense Vol.2 No.6
Business Sense Vol.2 No.6

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Business Sense Vol.2 No.6


The Business Sense team can hardly believe that we're just about at the end of 2016. We are delighted to produce another edition of Business Sense, which continues to be very well received. The distribution of the printed tabloid copies is through King Shaka International Airport lounges, Oribi Airport, Ridge Management (Umhlanga) as well as business chamber offices and other selected businesses. The electronic copy is widely circulated to a growing database. All previous issues are available on the website which is currently registering a total of over 90 thousand hits. This is notable as we only activated the website counter at the beginning of November!
We end the year featuring a number of award ceremonies in which various chambers and organisations  have rewarded excellence..  The Durban Chamber of Commerce & Industry together with Transnet Port Terminals were proud to recognise success through the 2016 KZN Exporter of the Year Award. Minara Chamber of Commerce rewarded business and personal excellence in a range of categories.   Zululand Chamber of Commerce and industry not only celebrated their 90th anniversary but also acknowledged Business Excellence at their annual awards evening.   The SmartXchange MICTe SMME Awards showcased development and innovation. We would like to congratulate all participants, finalists and winners.
The importance of the quote on the front page "The path to greatness is along with others"  is well covered in  a number of articles, which tackle the topics of culture as well as gender in the workplace.
Many of our top female executives daily face the challenges of being female, which has both provoked and shaped their working careers.   Pria Hassan who is featured on our front page and who is the winner of the Minara Chamber Businesswomen of the Year Award as well as Renee Hulley, CEO of Black Balance Projects both reflect on gender in their articles.
We thank all our contributors and advertisers for their support and wish them and all our readers well over the festive season.

The Editor

Business Sense Vol.2 No.6

Copyright © 2025 KwaZulu-Natal Top Business

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