iThala - Ezakheni Industrial Estate
iThala - Ezakheni Industrial Estate

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iThala - Ezakheni Industrial Estate


Established in 1983, Ezakheni Industrial Estate is situated in Ladysmith, on the N3 corridor between Durban â€" Africa’s busiest harbour â€" and Gauteng â€" the country’s major consumer market.

The industrial estate covers a total area of 640 hectares consisting of 100 Ithala and privately owned factories ranging in size between 200 square metres and 30,000 square meters. Total lettable area (GLA) in respect of Ithala owned premises is 272,652m² and constitutes 24% of Ithala’s gross lettable area.

Ezakheni is home to large, medium and small enterprises specialising in manufactured goods, textile and clothing, polypropylene bags, welding consumables, corrugated cardboard, injection moulding, refrigeration, mini subs, footwear, stationery, etc.

Key tenants at Ezakheni include Defy Appliances, Canvas & Tent, Iso Moulders, S A Greeting and Derlon Textiles.

Ezakheni Industrial Estate provides approximately 15,000 jobs. Considering that Ezakheni township has a population of over 71 000, comprising more than 18 000 households with 77% of households receiving an income well above minimum wage (Stats SA), the benefits to the community in terms of employment
opportunities is substantial.

The Estate has also been earmarked for the establishment of an Industrial Hub to generate economic growth and provide further employment for the area. Ezakheni forms part of the Alfred Duma Local Municipality, an area which has been identified as a significant economic node on the N3 corridor.

According to the KwaZulu- Natal Provincial Growth and Development Strategy, 90% of the Province’s GGP is produced in two identifiable corridors, that is, north south corridor along the coast and the western inland corridor along the N3 highway. The significance of Ezakheni Industrial Estate as an already established industrial centre will no doubt see it becoming a major contributor to the growth strategy plan for the region.

As a member of the Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Ithala is at the heart of business needs and plays an active role in maintaining a conducive business environment

The property manager for the Estate, Kim Steenkamp is also the President of the Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce and Industry. She is committed to working closely with all businesses of Ladysmith and has a passion for seeing Ladysmith grow, as well as encouraging and working closely with the Ladysmith Chamber and both local and district municipalities to bring new investment to Ladysmith and the uThukela District . 

Should you be looking for industrial space at affordable rentals contact
Kim Steenkamp on 036 634 6803 or or

iThala - Ezakheni Industrial Estate

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