The Best House You could Live In2017-02-15 The White House Community Centre situated in the Valley of a 1000 Hills, Inanda Valley is a non -profit organisation that cares for more than 70 abandoned, disabled and mentally challenged, cerebral palsied children and adults of all races. Most of the residents are referred by social welfare offices at King Edward, RK Khan and Clairwood Hospitals.
Founder of the home, Russell Sthe Chili, when asked why he chose the name, replied “Because in America, that's the best house you could live in, and that's what we are hereâ€. Adele Walters, one of the directors of the Centre said, “We are the only facility of this kind in KwaZulu-Natal, so we get calls daily to take more residents. We are even getting requests from Gauteng!†However, due to resource and space constraints, the White House has often had to turn away people. In December 2016, The White House Community Care Centre received a large anonymous overseas donation of over R48 500 to construct new accommodation. Chili truly believes that, “There truly are miracles happening here every dayâ€. On the 30th January, the White House Community Care Centre started digging the foundation for the double storey new building, which will accommodate a further 50 residents. Walters said, “We rely solely on donations from companies and the private sector. As you can imagine our list of requirements is never ending.†The current building wish list comprises:
or Adele on 083 461 1415. |