Dominic Collett - Chairman of the KwaZulu-Natal Business Chambers Council : We Need To Take Notice
Dominic Collett - Chairman of the KwaZulu-Natal Business Chambers Council : We Need To Take Notice

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Dominic Collett - Chairman of the KwaZulu-Natal Business Chambers Council : We Need To Take Notice


I write this article in a week that saw President Zuma re-shuffle his cabinet and emotional calls for mass demonstration by the outgoing finance minister PravinGordhan. To say we live in interesting times is an understatement.

It is always a challenge for business to decide what response to give in a time of changing political leadership. On one hand you want to support the actions of the leadership in attempting to carry out their mandate but at the same time make a strong voice against corruption.

Having lived through the apartheid era, where the nationalist government managed through propaganda and fear to silence the cries for change, that era is still fresh in the minds of the South African people. So when ANC stalwarts call for mass demonstration in passionate public addresses, reminiscent of the struggle meetings held on university campuses in the 80s,
we need to take notice.

The interactions between business CEOs and PravinGordhan set the foundation of engaging business in the common goal of avoiding a financial downgrading. This goal engaged the business sector to work in finding new ways of reducing unemployment.

In these times it is important to never lose sight of the plight of the marginalised. It is usually the poor and vulnerable that can be most affected by bad governance or misguided greedy and corrupt leadership. Business is committed to reducing unemployment and   will be pro-active in implementing programmes that lead to a stable economy. Business sees the current political activity as a sign that a renewal of the values of Nelson Mandela and the foundation values that built our constitution is needed within an approach that all people of South Africa are important. 

As a partner with government, business will support the ruling party during this time of renewal through an honest and open debate on what is the best for the people of South Africa.

So in conclusion, I recommend you take pro-active actions to assist South Africa in reaching the goals set in our constitution. 

The following quotation may start your conversation on what is best for your activism.

“There are good men and women in any community and in all political parties or persuasions. It is when those men and women get together that the builders rather than the destroyers triumph. It is then that our common humanity is reaffirmed.” Nelson Mandela

Dominic Collett - Chairman of the KwaZulu-Natal Business Chambers Council : We Need To Take Notice

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