Lathasha Subban - The Power Of HR Leadership2017-06-22 On the 8 June 2017, the South African Board for People Practices (SABPP) presented at the 4th Annual Emergence Growth HR Conference 2017. The theme was “The power of HRâ€, and it was well represented in the presentations and the audience.
As a speaker, I was overwhelmed with the enthusiasm of the HR professionals that attended, and through our interaction, I really admired the “HR leadership†that was being driven. Sharing the speaker platform with experts like Natalie Singer, Yendor Felgate, Prof Sakkie van der Merwe and Dr Pat Smythe, the event dealt with many HR and business challenges that HR professionals face in current times. Areas of equal work and equal pay, talent standards, talent strengths, training and millennial engagement was unpacked with solutions and practicality. Myths were squashed and real time statistics was shared and exchanged. The power of HR leadership created a strong fire on a very cold day in Johannesburg. I witnessed an audience that engaged and interacted with the knowledge experts, but shared their challenges and solutions. I learnt new things about the drive for HR leadership, and what CEOs and businesses expect from HR. As the new and emerging trends were presented, I saw HR leadership step up and get excited to drive the change. So, I will ask the same question that I started my presentation with, “Do you recognise yourself as the talent that will drive the business vision?†As HR, we are responsible for the leadership development programmes, the leadership ladder and the leadership everything that the organisation requires, yet we have not unpacked our own leadership talent. HR leadership talent is vital to “lead†the programmes that build the organisation’s talent pipeline and workforce. Interestingly enough, the audience when asked the question went into deep thought, yet what I witnessed was a group of powerful HR leaders equipped to drive the business vision. Here are some tips to assist in you in becoming “the talent that drives the business visionâ€:
As I closed my presentation at the conference, I repeated a phrase I coined when I presented in India in February this year. It was a short phrase that I believe has a lot of power in it, and I hope it inspires the HR leader in you: “HR IS THE HEART OF EVERY ORGANISATIONâ€. As a HR profession, I truly believe that we are the King/Queen that is responsible for all the hearts of the organisation, and we need to ensure they beat well and in harmony. HR is the heart of every organisation….beat as the life line for the employees and employer and embrace your talent and leadership as a HR Leader. Lathasha Subban is Head of Knowledge & Innovation at SABPP. She was one of the speakers at the 4th Annual Emergence Growth HR Conference. You can contact her on T: 011 026 3442 F: 086 766 8598 Head Office: 328 Main Ave, Ferndale, Johannesburg Facebook: @EmergenceGrowth Twitter: @EmergenceGrowth LinkedIn: Emergence Growth |