KZN Business Sense Vol.3 No.32017-06-27 The July 2017 edition of Business Sense is currently being distributed. It will be available at King Shaka International Airport and Oribi Airport departure lounges for the next few weeks as well as at a number of business chambers,office complexes and some selected coffee shops.
The publication is available in an electronic format and on our website Also like us on Facebook. Scroll down or Click on and enjoy Kind regards Grant Adlam Without Corruption There Is No Palio- Dominic Collett Since the last publication, post the cabinet re-shuffle, South Africa has seen more financial downgradings and the release of results indicating two successive quarters of falls in gross domestic product... More Cox Yeats Commercial & Natural Resources Law Team Michael Jackson is the Managing Partner at Cox Yeats Attorneys and head of the Commercial & Natural Resources Law Team. His specialist practice areas are Business Law, Corporate Mergers & Acquisitions, Natural... More Durban International Film Festival 2017 The Durban International Film Festival (DIFF) has announced a strong focus on development, women, and 'tales of transit' during the festival next month. Ster Kinekor Musgrave and Gateway as well as the... More How Green Are Our Valleys? - Justin Mackrory Presently Ugu South Coast Tourism in conjunction with the Ugu South Coast Development Agency is working on new trail concept called the Umzumbe River Trail which we anticipate could become akin to the famed... More African Renaissance Festival 2017 The 19th edition of the annual African Renaissance Festival was hosted at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre (Durban ICC) from the 25 to 27 May 2017. The Festival included a two day... More Invest Durban The Durban Investment Promotion Authority (known historically as DIPA) now has the refreshed brand name of 'Invest Durban'. This change followed on the identification of the need for South African cities to... More Reporting Bee Transactions - Michael Jackson (Cox Yeats Attorneys) On 9 June 2017, the Department of Trade & Industry published a notice requiring all parties involved in major B-BBEE transactions to register the transaction with the B-BBEE Commission within 15 days of... More A Passion For People Development - Brenda Vilbro Brenda Vilbro's career in learning and development has been driven by a passion for people. This passion resulted in the establishment of her training company, New Generation Skills in 2005. The B-BBEE level... More Disrepect, Rudeness and General Incivility Is Expensive For Organizations - Musa Makhunga Have you noticed how rampant disrespect, rudeness and general incivility involving individuals at work is? It is common to read about and see this trend in news coverage involving board members, executive... More The Power Of HR Leadership - Lathasha Subban - On the 8 June 2017, the South African Board for People Practices (SABPP) presented at the 4th Annual Emergence Growth HR Conference 2017. The theme was "The power of HR", and it was well represented in the... More Competency In Safety - Bryan van den Heever WHEN IS A PERSON SEEN AS COMPETENT IN THE HEALTH AND SAFETY ENVIRONMENT? The construction regulations define a competent person as a person who: Has in respect of the work or task to be performed the required... More How Driver Fatigue Threatens All Road Users - Chantal Gray Almost everyone knows that driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or other drugs is a deadly combination. However, few people realise the danger associated with driving while fatigued. In fact,... More South Africa Needs More Entrepreneurs! - David White and Akhona Mahlati Entrepreneurs stimulate the economy, bring innovation into our everyday existence, and importantly fuel economic growth and create employment opportunities. But where do we find these Entrepreneurs? We know... More Next Level Business Planning Solutions - Trevor Clark If you are like most business owners, you are probably operating on a business plan that is organised and archived in one of three places: in your own mind in a filing cabinet gathering dust, or spread... More Empowering Our Youth - Lynda Laird It seems only fitting that I share this article shortly after Africa Day (May 25). As put forth by the South African Government, "Africa Day presents an opportunity for South Africans to reconnect and... More Ilembe Chamber Annual Business Gala Dinner - A Distinctly Local Affair As a continuation of the iLembe Chamber's efforts to showcase the significant hospitality products in the iLembe district, the Fairmont Zimbali Lodge & Resort Hotel again hosted the Chamber's annual business... More Ilembe Chamber - Entries for The Entrepreneur 2017 competition are open! The iLembe Chamber's 7th annual The Entrepreneur programme and competition was launched on Thursday, the 18th of May 2017. The aviation themed launch, complementing the branding of the competition, was also... More Ensure A Better And Brighter Future - Dr Albert van Jaarsveld : 2017-06-22 Universities across South Africa face a plethora of student funding challenges that need to be addressed. There are no silver bullet solutions for this problem and this funding challenge will... More Defy - South Africa's Number One Appliance Brand DEFY Appliances (Pty) Ltd is the largest manufacturer and distributor of major domestic appliances, in southern Africa. DEFY has offered the consumer a full range of kitchen, laundry and small domestic... More Remuneration Structuring- Adopting Leading Practice - Tanya Tosen What can be done to remunerate employees better? The simple answer is plenty. Yet many employers do not get the most out of employee package structuring. This is one of those areas where there are "too many... More Bold Vision For Business Success Pran Park - Dube Tradezone - Pran Shree A KwaZulu-Natal business magnate, Pran Shree, believes in being at the head of the pack, a business philosophy demanding boldness and a visionary attitude. Shree is the epitome of an entrepreneur. Leaving... More Empowering People - Calvin Mathibeli Mr Calvin Mathibeli is the founder of Calvin and Family Group (CFG) and has been in business for 12 years. Mathibeli's working career started while he was still a student at the Durban Institute of... More What Is Mandatory Audit Firm Rotation? * Farouk Ebrahim Auditor independence is the cornerstone of the auditing profession. The Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors ("IRBA") - the statutory body responsible for the regulation of auditors in South Africa - has... More Business Recognition Awards And Gala Dinner - Minara Chamber On the 18 October 2017, Minara Chamber will once again be hosting its annual business recognition awards and gala dinner in Durban. This year's event will be held in collaboration with a one day business... More International Business Dialogue - Durban Chamber The International Business Dialogue series continued with a discussion about South Africa becoming a more effective "Window to Africa". Certain territories are or can be natural windows to another territory or... More |