Zululand Chamber of Commerce and Industry Business Excellence Awards2017-12-07 SUSTAINING YOUR LEGACY
Business excellence was rewarded when the annual Zululand Chamber of Commerce and Industry Business Excellence Awards were held on 25 October 2017. Hosted at the Umfolozi Casino and Convention Resort, the theme for the elegant event was ‘Sustaining your Legacy’ and a number of companies, ranging from emerging to massive corporates, competed for honours in the various categories. Main sponsors for the glitzy awards were Standard Bank and Richards Bay Minerals, and fittingly, the new managing director of Richards Bay Minerals, Mr Billy Mawasha, was the guest speaker. The president of Business Unity South Africa, Dr Jabu Mabuza, was the keynote speaker, who comprehensively addressed the issue of corruption. He said, “We need to take action as businesses to:
Service Excellence Award:Public Sector This award raises the profile of the work and achievements of a winning team, in the spirit of Batho Pele. Winner: King Cetshwayo District Municipality Service Excellence Award: Business â€" Sponsored by RBCT This award is made out to a business making effective use of customer service initiatives to deliver business plan objectives and demonstrating improved business performance as a result. Winner: Duvenage Incorporated Runner-up: Kloppers Incorporated Employer of the Year Award Recognises the business that demonstrates flexibility and adaptability while exemplifying the ethos of corporate governance. This award recognises jobs created and retained, skills development programmes, incentives for employees and compliance with labour law regulations. Winner: Richards Bay Coal Terminal Runner-up: Tronox SABCOHA Wellness Award This award is presented to the company/organisation with the best HIV & Aids awareness programme implemented in their company. Winner: Richards Bay Coal Terminal Runner-up: Tronox Safety Awareness Award This award is intended to encourage the development of safety skills on the job and to reward those people and companies demonstrating special diligence in safety awareness in the performance of their profession. Winner: Richards Bay Coal Terminal Runner-up: Tronox Corporate Social Responsibility Award Winner: Tronox Runner-up: Foskor Emerging Business of the Year Award â€" Sponsored by Tronox Winner: Iqaba Consulting Engineers Runner-up: Emvelo Environmental Consultants Micro Business of the Year â€" Sponsored by Tronox Winner: Kloppers Incorporated Runner-up: Lighthouse Engineering Small Business of the Year â€" Sponsored by Seeff Winner: Encore Maintenance Solutions Runner-up: Splendid Inn Bayshore Medium Business of the Year â€" Sponsored by Isizinda Alluminium Winner: Premier Hotel: The Richards Corporate Business of the Year Winner: Tronox Runner-up: Richards Bay Coal Terminal Automotive Business of the Year Winner: Peugeot Richards Bay Logistics Business of the Year Winner: Richards Bay Coal Terminal Most efficient water user of the year â€" Sponsored by ZCBF Winner: Richards Bay Coal Terminal Runner-up: Tronox Tourism Business of the Year Recognising the outstanding work tourism businesses do to enhance the economy of our region and create jobs. Winner: Umfolozi Hotel Casino and Convention Resort Runner-up: Premier Hotels: The Richards Premium Award of the Year â€" Sponsored by DNK Engineering The company or institution who received the overall highest points in the Business categories. Winner: Richards Bay Coal Terminal Winners of various categories celebrate their achievements RBCT’s General Manager of Capital Projects, Mill Murphy receives the Premium Award from Danny Naidoo of DNK Engineering, the sponsor of the award and Deputy President of the ZCCI. With them are Mrs Nellenie Naidoo, ZCCI President, Judith Nzimande and King Cetshwayo District Municipality Mayor, Cllr N. Mkhulisi Keynote speaker, Mr Jabu Mabuza, president of Business Unity South Africa. Iqaba Consulting Engineers were the winners of the Emerging Business of the year Award. Natacha Nsengiyumva (left) and Nontokozo Ndlovu (right) received the award from ZCCI’s Judith Nzimande and Sipho Mkhwanazi of Tronox, who sponsored the award. |