Rajes Govender : FD Vedanta - The Perfect Storm Within Your Finance Department2018-04-25 Rajes Govender CA(SA), FD Vedanta - Executive Solutions
Do any of the following apply to your finance department?
The common theme in these businesses is that most of these business owners have fallen prey to having the majority of their financial affairs in the hands of one person. This situation is despite their business having grown and being able to afford a more sustainable financial team. Business owners generally enquire from their head of finance if more resources are needed. In fact, they continue to ask this question over and over again as they endure more and more of the signs mentioned above. That is equivalent to asking a person drowning in a pool whether or not they need your help. Of course, they need help. Asking a rhetorical question is just a waste of time. Once you see the signs, take action. Engage the services of a financial governance expert to give you insight into what the best way forward would be for your finance team to support the business with accurate meaningful information timeously, with proper backup plans in place, and internal controls. Maintaining a sound financial department requires ongoing effort. As the business changes, so too must the resourcing and internal controls within the finance department. So, make this part of your business culture and reap the pleasant rewards of peace of mind. T: +27 (0)65 859 5048 info@fdvedanta.co.za www.fdvedanta.co.za |