Nicolene Schoeman-Louw - SMEs Must Focus On Relationship Building2019-03-04 I want to make a bold statement.
For many years, start-ups and small businesses have been kept at the back by service providers and even themselves. Let me explain why… As a young professional, I remember being taught that you should spend the most time and energy on those clients who bring in the most money. The result, I feel, has been that small businesses often do not have anywhere to turn to especially when they need legal services. Whilst on the topic â€" we also need to talk about the elephant in the room, that is the billable hour, which have simply made legal services out of reach for many small businesses. Then there are the challenges and opportunities of this new world and the fact that within the context of a fourth industrial revolution, the world is more connected than ever. The constraints of distance are no longer applicable and as a result business has little constricting borders. Member based organisations and networks therefore play a vital role and should not only connect members but aim ultimately to capacitate them. That way, members will not only continue to engage, but grow and sustain the ecosystem. It brings me to my real point â€" in a world so busy and connected, what we cannot make more of is time, and time unlike any other commodity is invaluable when it comes to forging important relationships and sustaining them. So, if technology can break barriers when it comes to legal cost and time spent on it… why not? Especially when so many people have experienced the consequences of not documenting the most important relationships in their business. The SchoemanLaw SME Self- Service DeskTM is the ideal tool for any member-based organisation wanting to capacitate and empower members. It is an affordable and reliable online solution for start-ups and SMEs, where users can customise and download their own contracts online and in minutes. It is the first solution of its kind in South Africa, this platform supports entrepreneurs to effectively establish legal foundations in their businesses for optimum growth and overall business success. The following documents are examples of those available on the platform (currently hosting over 35 documents / agreement types):
This is over 75% less than usual rates if traditionally drafted by an attorney. What is more, users have the support of a law firm not only having created, but who maintains the platform and supports each user. We even offer customisable solutions. So, there support and a solution for any business regardless of size and industry are on offer. The platform is easy to use, no prior legal training is required, and users are supported through help texts, free podcasts, videos and training events. In the case of a legal incident occurring, you can consult with an attorney with the click of a button. The platform is also ever evolving and completely customer- driven. Documents are added as and when customers request them. All the documents are also frequently updated to ensure that they align to the latest best practice. There is no need to leave your legal needs unattended ever again! The SchoemanLaw SME Self- Service DeskTM therefore ensures that SMEs are no longer invisible and capacitates them to free up time needed to build relationships, grow and scale their businesses. Empower your business today, go to: Nicolene Schoeman-Louw SchoemanLaw Inc, Cape Town T: 021 4255604 W: |