Training Accreditation Made Easy - Jeanine Topping and Associates (JTandA)2019-07-02 Jeanine Topping and Associates (JTandA) is a professional consultancy aiding training providers to apply for accreditation from a Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA), the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) or Umalusi. The company has offices in Durban and services the entire country. The dynamic Founding Member, Jeanine Topping, has been involved in training and development since 2001. Topping and her fellow members, Cheri Labuschagne and Lindsay Armit, are a formidable trio who are passionate about helping their clients to achieve their goals and to grow their businesses. Accreditation ensures that training providers have the specialised knowledge and skills to deliver training courses. In addition, learners are assured that the training offered complies with the required standards for learning and assessment. Consequently, any credits acquired are nationally recognised and contribute to achieving a full qualification. JTandA has aided more than 500 training providers to achieve their business goals by successfully securing their accreditation with the various Education Training Quality Assurance Bodies. The following success stories well illustrate JTandA's happy clients. Suné Koegelenberg, the director and founding member of Anchor Africa, a training company established in 2010, used JTandA's services for the company's initial accreditation application process. "JTandA were fantastic and assisted us with the whole process. The staff were sincere, friendly and very competent. They kept me up to date on key deliverables and responsibilities," explained Koegelenberg. "Of significance is that Jeanine keeps her promises and is quick to follow up with a phone call if something has not gone according to plan. This personal touch makes all the difference and makes the company one of the best in the business. Jeanine was a lifesaver at the time of the accreditation process." Anchor Africa is now a well-established training company offering a range of training programmes and added value services to its clients. Nelly Mkhize, founder of Sanda Skills Development focuses on training lower levels of staff members in municipalities. Mkhize says that when she started the company in 2013, she did not know anything about training accreditation requirements. "JTandA's service delivery over the past six years has been excellent. Jeanine and her team took us through the process and taught us how to do things the correct way in order to be a legitimate training provider," explained Mkhize. Sanda Skills Development started off being accredited by one SETA and have extended their scope to have accreditation with four SETAs. This has enabled them to train over 400 learners in a range of programmes. Intombi Learning Solutions is a basic education and skills development organisation, which was accredited by Umalusi in 2018. "We are here today because of this amazing company," says Njabulo Chiliza, sales manager at Intombi Learning Solutions. "Our case was quite strenuous - a two year journey of becoming accredited. During what seemed an impossible mission we thought JTandA would give up on us, but they didn't. Instead they held our hands - literally. Today we hold an accreditation with Umalusi and are thankful to Jeanine for going over and above, even financially, to achieve this goal. They promise "guaranteed accreditation" and this is exactly what you get. No hidden agenda, no scams, no uncertainty but an open-door consultation process that takes you on a journey to victory." "One thing that stands out about JTandA is their ability to make you feel like family. Every single staff member at JTandA is eager to help, welcoming and it almost feels like they all "know your story" and drive the mission to help you reach your goal," added Chiliza. JTandA's services do not end once the accreditation - or probably provisional accreditation is awarded but will assist clients to build capacity as training providers. This ensures that full accreditation is both acquired and retained. Says Mkhize, "Business owners lead busy lives and JTandA will call to remind you to update your quality management system or will come and sit with you when there is a site visit scheduled. They are very hands on and will go the extra mile. In addition, JTandA have helped us to get business by referring clients to us. They have really wanted us to succeed." As each business is unique and has different accreditation requirements. JTandA offers a range of packages for training providers. ï€¼ï€ For more information contact: T: +27 (0)87-150-1554 E: W: |