Tim Tyrrell - We Can Be Prosperous, Corruption Free Says OUTA
Tim Tyrrell - We Can Be Prosperous, Corruption Free Says OUTA

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Tim Tyrrell - We Can Be Prosperous, Corruption Free Says OUTA


One of the biggest questions facing South Africans today is how do we make our country work for all.

The answer however is not simple but, rather like anything South African, multifaceted.

For starters where do you begin?
We all know that there is policy uncertainty, that a vast number of local municipalities are collapsing, that government is bloated, expensive and in many instances performs poorly and that all of this negative bureaucracy has had a negative effect on the economy.
These issues are deeply pronounced in KwaZulu-Natal which plays a key role in areas such as manufacturing, logistics, maritime and agriculture. Poorly maintained infrastructure, crime and grime, energy dependent manufacturing being put under pressure by rising costs, municipalities being placed under administration and a toxic political environment, particularly in eThekwini Metro and the Msunduzi Municipality have taken their toll on the provincial economy and in a region blessed with both natural and intellectual resources that entire countries would be proud to have.

Furthermore, all right-minded individuals understand that the current economic slump our country finds itself in is self-created. The last decade was disastrous for South Africa, but a product of this despair created something most of us would never have envisioned - a growing activist-led, apolitical civil society movement.

The Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse (OUTA) came into being after a small, and then rapidly growing number of Gauteng residents defied what would become known as the e-Tolls. In short, in 2013 the South African National Roads Agency (SANRAL) revamped major highways in Gauteng and then demanded that residents pay a toll to use them. We believed then, as we do now, that this attempt to double-tax a small portion of the country, which is the engine room of the economy, was patently unfair and illegal.

We are still fighting this matter and have led one of the most successful civil disobedience campaigns in our young democracy.

The organisation has since enlarged its scope of operation with it being split into three distinct focus-driven divisions. The first is our National Division where we have actively taken on State Capture and have laid several criminal and civil cases against key individuals who helped destroy parastatals such as Eskom, Transnet and SAA. Using our seasoned in-house investigations unit and legal team, we have formulated what we believe to be watertight cases in order to see justice done.

Our second unit is our Policy Division. We believe that an effective measure to bring constructive change in our country is to provide professional and honest assessments on bills and policies being formulated by the legislative arms of government. Through lobbying we hope to effect the necessary changes we believe will add value to South Africa.

One such project we are actively pursuing is National Health Insurance Bill which we believe, while sound in principle, is flawed in various aspects.
And our third unit is our Local Division. The local unit's core mandate is to drive public participation, support local civic organisations and hold local government to account. Local government is the first, and often the only place the people deal with government. It is therefore vitally important that it works to create safe, clean and affordable environments for citizens. We are in the early stages of developing a number of tools to help residents monitor municipalities to achieve this mandate.

Key to all of what we do is our supporter base. We are fortunate to have tens of thousands of businesses and individuals who crowd-fund us voluntarily through generous monthly recurring donations. This creates the sustainability that enables us to take action and see our projects through.

This war chest is what arms us to do what we do and employ some of the top minds in the various arenas in which we are active.

It goes without saying that we are always looking for supporter growth and we will welcome your joining our cause via your business or as an individual supporter or, if you want to know more about our work, to sign up for our free newsletter on our website at www.outa.co.za

But the core message we would like you to take away is that the only way our country will ever reach its full potential is if we the people take an active role in the welfare of our country and move towards a common goal of creating a prosperous country, free from the abuse of authority and governed with the efficient use of tax revenue that will unlock the potential of South Africa.

South Africans are resilient people. The good guys, meaning you and I, must succeed. There is no other option on the table. 

If you would like to speak to us directly, you can reach Tim on 082 571 4285 or on tim.tyrrell@outa.co.za

Tim Tyrrell - We Can Be Prosperous, Corruption Free Says OUTA

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