Cox Yeats Corporate & Natural Resources Team2019-11-26 Our goal is to provide practical, efficient and cost effective solutions to legal challenges faced by businesses in order for them to prosper. We strive to understand our clients' operations and the detail of the legal landscape in which they navigate. We view client relationships as long term commitments. Our preferred approach is to build relationships and rapport which allows clients to be confident with our legal grounding and ability to offer pragmatic commercial solutions. Over the last few years, we have assembled a commercial team of lawyers which is optimal for our specialisation in the merger, acquisition, amalgamation and restructuring space. We believe that this team is now the largest grouping of skilled professionals in KwaZulu-Natal which focuses on this area and which also has expertise in:
Our professionals have, either individually or collaboratively, written numerous leading publications in the areas where we have expertise. The "Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions in South Africa" published in 2016 by LexisNexis, was written by us. "Together we tackle head on the core issues of efficiency, trust, culture and consistency with a view to creating a truly collaborative team of lawyers working together to serve our clients' needs," says Michael Jackson, Managing Partner. Although lawyers traditionally defend their autonomy and individualism, Cox Yeats actively promotes and balances this with team work and joint effort. Through intensive regular internal training we have developed, from continuous interactions amongst the team and with clients, a common history, a core trust and a certainty of a future together. This has created a powerful and respected working unit. For more information contact: T: +27 31 536 8500 E: W: |