The Future Is Safe At The Blythedale Coastal Estate2020-04-10 The COVID-19 pandemic is on the up, and panic is rising. We're yet to see the peak of the outbreak in many countries around the world, but this virus is causing huge adverse effects for people's health, their security, and their livelihoods. Blythedale - a Healthy Escape from the Hustle and Bustle When first learning about this outbreak, the team at eLan Property Group noted that the health and wellbeing aspect of Blythedale Coastal Estate was already very good, as far as private development estates go. However, in light of the coronavirus and future pandemics, we have decided to take the health and well-being offering at Blythedale to another level. It was known to be very important, but lessons many are learning today have made it clear just how important, and it will never be taken lightly at future private developments. Due to several factors, South Africa and many parts of the world have been experiencing a recession. This recession is only getting worse since the pandemic broke out in our country and lockdown was initiated. However, what goes down must come up eventually, and it is important to try ride out the economic tough times while they last. In times like these, people usually turn to safe and secure investment options. The two most common asset classes that people opt for are cash and gold. Another asset class that might take a hit but usually bounces back and appreciates is property, specifically residential property in the right location. Downturns become a blip on the steady upward curve of these property values. North Coast Property - a Safe Investment Through Turbulent Times Besides the obvious - picturesque scenery and beaches renowned nationwide - there is plenty that makes the North Coast attractive, both literally and metaphorically. The lifestyle one can enjoy (once the world goes back to normal) in this region means residents and holidaymakers want for very little. With almost year-round warm weather, it becomes apparent why the multitude of outdoor attractions are so appealing. Combined with the plethora of shopping centres and top-quality restaurants, and proximity to other KZN attractions, it becomes clearer to see the reasons for families and couples settling down in Ballito and beyond. New mixed-use development is on the rise throughout the Dolphin Coast. With houses showing growth of 25% in the last five years, and some freehold sites far exceeding this (property24), the popularity of gated estates continues to rise. This is attributable to reasons of investment, lifestyle, safety and security. The Blythedale team aim to combine innovative technologies with a coastal landscape of supreme beauty, in one of the most profitable property investment destinations in the country. At eLan's previous flagship development, Simbithi Eco Estate, early buyers saw the greatest profit margins of any investor. Simbithi stands purchased in 2005:
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