Business and Investment Entities

Due Diligence

When a business or company is acquired, then the purpose of the due diligence exercise, is to determine appropriate tactics and strategies for the negotiation of the transaction. It is necessary to scrutinize what is been acquired, how to acquire it, and to ensure that the transaction under consideration is practicable to implement. This is particularly apt in regard to the structure of the transaction, the offer price and warranties.

The Companies Act and the Close Corporations Act, control business entities and stipulate accounting and reporting requirements. The Companies and Intellectual Property Registration Office (CIPRO) - formerly the Registrar of Companies, whose offices are in Pretoria, administer the Act. Both local and foreign owned companies are regulated by the same rules. All businesses must register with the South African Revenue service for: income tax, value added tax, employees’ tax, provincial and regional services levies, workmen’s compensation, and the Unemployment Insurance Fund. Business licences are required for certain activities and are generally easily obtainable from the licensing authorities, subject to compliance with the relevant requirements.


Physical Address: The Dti campus (Block F - Entfutfukweni), 77 Meintjies Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria.
Postal Address:
PO Box 429, Pretoria, 0001.
Docex: 256

Customer Contact Centre:
Tel: 0861 843 384
Fax: 0861 843 888
International Tel: +27 (0) 11 254 9405
International Fax: +27 (0) 11 254 9406

KZN Business and Investment Entities

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